Reinforcement of building elements
The innovative system for maintaining and strengthening concrete structures.
Following intensive development work and comprehensive quality testing, we have enhanced our proven product line again, offering benefits for the maintenance and strengthening of concrete structures that are critical in the repair sector.
The system for strengthening the punching shear zone of flat slabs includes RINO Exo, with its externally mounted steel head and RINO Bar, the retrofitted punching shear reinforcement for strengthening existing flat slabs.
Our proven product line is planned and realised to suit the particular project. An initial assessment of the need for punching shear strengthening can be undertaken with the RINO design module of our design software.
Using the data collected by the engineer, we configure the strengthening measures and supports the civil engineer in the planning process as required.
If you would like a consultation, please contact our field staff or approach our engineering team, directly.