The strength figures are based on the valid SIA codes.English Website is a condensed version.Full details can be found under DE FR

Leviat Project Manager 10

With its DURA Punching Shear, DURA Shear, RINO, ORSO-V, ORSO-B and ARBO|CRET design tools and now also with the design tool HALFEN HDB, the Leviat Project Manager is an indispensable tool for engineers in both design and project administration.

The design tools are based on the standards currently applicable and the latest technical findings, which means they always supply reliable results. In addition, data that have been entered in Leviat Project Manager – such as contact, project and object data – can also be used for further analyses.

Leviat Project Manager and the design tools it contains are continuously refined and updated automatically when the program is started.

The current version 10 appears in the new Leviat look and offers new input assistance and additional information that will further enhance the transparency of your analyses.

Download Leviat Project Manager here: DOWNLOAD

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